Menyebut nama Paypal mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi di benak kamu semua. Yup pasalnya Paypal memang sudah sedemikian terkenalnya dikenal oleh orang. Mereka menggunakan Paypal untuk berbagai macam keperluan. Untuk shoping di berbagai situs shoping atau online store kayak ebay bukan lebay yah. Atau untuk para pemburu dollar di internet yang dilakukan oleh kebanyakan blogger. Yup Paypal memang sangat membantu dalam urusan bayar atau pun dibayar di Internet. Namun Paypal perlu dilakukan verifikasi untuk keperluan yg lain, seperti menerima dan mengirim dana dengan unlimited (bener gak yah? kalau salah mohon koreksi) okeh untuk mem-verifikasi Paypal tidaklah gampang. Karena dibutuhkan kartu kredit untuk memvrifikasinya. Nah lo? untuk umur-umuran bloggger kayak saya yg berumur 15th ^^ (sisanya) kartu kredit itu opo? makanan apa coba kartu kredit. Apalagi kamu-kamu yg tinggal di pelosok duh pasti gak tau kartu kredit (kidding^^). Repot kan kalaau gak ada kartu kredit untuk memverifikasi Paypal. Namun masih ada cara yaitu dengan menggunakan jasa VCC atau Virtual Credit Card. Banyak ditemukan jasa yang menjual VCC kok tinggal googling aja. Harga yg ditawarkan beragam. Namun apa iya kita kudu beli VCC yg mana untuk memverifikasi Paypal padahal setahu saya balance di Paypal saya aja sangat-sangat-sangat sedikit pake B A N G E T. jadi saya pikir itu sangat gak guna, mubadzir dan mubadzir itu temannya setan lho (bukan teman saya). Tapi dengan VCC account Paypal kamu bisa terverifikasi dengan cepat gak pake lama. Setelah keliling saya menemukan jawabannya yaitu dengan manual verification. Check it out cara nya:
1. ke
2. Log in
3. and then dirimu klik contact us di sebelah bawah footer nya
4. pilih email us
5. Lakukan seperti Pict dibawah
okey tinggal tunggu email konfirmasi, biasanya antara 2-4 hari an tergantung keberuntungan yah.
6. ntar akan ada email untuk mengarahkan kamu kemana harus melangkah^^
isi email nya sebagai berikut:
7. Setelah itu lakukan upgrade account ke account premier (tenang aja ini free)
Hello muhammad falah bayhaqi,
I am Shirley from the PayPal Customer Caring Team. Thank you for
contacting us regarding how to verify your PayPal account.
I tried to call you today to help you solve the problem on phone but
couldn't reach you by using the phone number that you registered in your
PayPal account.
Please do not worry. Even if you do not have a credit card, we can also
help you verify your PayPal account. There are two things you need to do
before we manually verify your account.
If you have a Personal account, you'll need to upgrade to a Premier
account before you verify your PayPal account.
Here's how to upgrade your account and manually verify your PayPal
1. Go to and log in to your account.
2. Click “Upgrade” under your name and then click “Upgrade Now.”
3. Select Premier account and click “Continue.”
After you upgrade your account, please send us a copy of these documents
as a GIF or JPG:
• A copy of your photo identification (Identification Card, Driving
License, or Passport).
• A copy of your bank account statement or bank book that shows your
name and bank account number.
Please make sure that one of the documents you submit displays an
address that matches the address on your PayPal account.
If the addresses don't match, there are two ways you can help us
complete this process:
Option 1:
Submit a third document with an address that matches the one registered
on your PayPal account. This can be a copy of a utility bill, bank or
credit card statement, or any other official document in your name that
is dated within the last 6 months.
Option 2:
Change the address on your PayPal account to match with one of the
documents you submitted.
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click “Profile” near the top of the page.
3. Click “Street Address” under Account Information.
4. Click “Add.”
5. Type the new street address in the address boxes provided.
6. Click “Save.”
Email your documents to . Please use the email
address registered on your PayPal account. After we review the
documents, we'll contact you within 1-2 business days.
Please send the documents in GIF or JPG format to us by using your
PayPal primary email address.
After verifying your account, there will be no withdrawal limit for you.
I hope this is helpful for you. In the next couple of days, you may
receive a survey regarding our service. Please kindly provide us your
feedback, and let us know if you’d recommend us to your family and
friends. Only a score of 9 or 10 shows that you’d recommend us.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.
Copyright © 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory: PayPal Pte Ltd, the Holder of the PayPal™ payment
service stored value facility, does not require the approval of the
Monetary Authority of Singapore. Consumers (users) are advised to read
the terms and conditions carefully.
8. Lalu lampirkan kartu identitas kamu (SIM, KTP, PASSPORT) salah satu atau ketiganya juga bisa juga buku tabungan yg tercantum nomer rekening bank kamu kirim email ke
9. Tunggu aja sampai dapat email balasan, sekitar 2-7 hari
10. Taraaaa....paypal kamu dah terverifikasi
cek ke account paypal kamu untuk melihat lebih dekat apakah udah verified atau belom^^
-semoga bermanfaat
wah keren, lengkap panduannya :D
BalasHapusmemang enak verifikasi pakai email. gratis dan aman!
Waahhh keren, nanti deh aku mau buat paypal lagi
BalasHapustak verifikasi kek gitu..
Wah...akhirnya verified juga ya. Kayaknya habis ini langsung berburu dolar nih...hahaahg
BalasHapushuhuhuhu...saya masih tidak paham...**kasihan bgt yh saya**
BalasHapusTerima kasih buat Panduanya bro...
BalasHapuscepat juga konfirmasi nya lewat manual verify
BalasHapusAkhirnya setelah sekian lama bisa juga
BalasHapusMakasih Buat Infonya.....
Nice, oke banget nih artikelnya .. cocok banget untuk di share! Hahaa .. Thankyou gan sudah mau berbagi ..
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